Andrei Claude is our Hunk of the Month on the blog
and as such, he's available for your questions!
Please leave your question by adding a comment.
Andrei will then answer these as he is able
and we'll be posting them here for him.
So ask away!
Hussy Sally:)
How did you become a cover model?
Hi Andrei, what do you like to do in your free time?
Hi Andrei, Will you be doing in movies or guest apperances on TV anytime soon?
We've been talking about what makes a guy sexy, but what to you makes a woman sexy?
Of all the books you graced the covers of have you read any of them and if so what did you think?
Hi Andre!
What was your favorite cover to model for?
Do you ever read any of the books that you grace the covers of?
What are your future plans as far as modeling? Or acting? or whatever is next for you?
Robin S
Hello Andrei, I noticed in a few of your book covers that you have a tattoo. What is you opinion about tattoos and do you think a woman with a tattoo and an exotic piercing or two is ok?
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