Michelle D is the winner of our August Contest. Congratulations Michelle. We’ll contact you privately to arrange for delivery of your prize. Thanks to everyone who entered.
Visit us online at The Hussies to find out how you can enter.
And plagiarism is one of those subjects.
If you use someone else’s words and make no mention that you did, you committed plagiarism. Some people think it’s no big deal. Bah, words are a dime a dozen. Who cares? Whoever gets caught should deal with it privately with the interested parties, they say. I’ve never been the victim of plagiarism (some call it mind rape, I agree), but if someone would ever steal my speech bubble, you can bet your last tea bag that I’d go after them with all the frenzied energy of a Chihuahua on Red Bull. There’d be no place to hide, motherfuckers! Not because I'm too good to have my words copied, or think I own the alphabet. It's for the principle. And because it's wrong.
Let's look at it this way: writing is like building a nest.
A nest is nothing new. It's all recycled stuff, right. Like writing: everything already exists. Letters, words, sentences, paragraphs. You take all these little bits and make something new with them. You build a nest. No one has a nest like yours. It's unique. It's your spit (literally in the case of some birds...but I digress) that's keeping it together. That spit, it's YOURS, dude. For someone to come and pick at your nest, take a bunch of twigs here, a clump of feathers there, and use it to build their own nest without thanking you or at least mentioning it, is plagiarism.
Some may argue that on a "scale" of crimes, it's not as bas as, say, murder. Sure. But you know what? Ideas are what makes our species move forward. If we're not going to protect our ideas and how we put them on paper, if we're not willing to try to stop thieves from appropriating entire sentences, paragraphs, even pages, then what's the whole point of reading a book?
The mouth. Oh man! One of the sexiest part of the body for sure. Versatile. It talks, it kisses, and it can suck and lick. It provides the path for nourishment and a mode to communicate.
There are clichés such as "Watch your mouth", "Shut your mouth" and "Stop mouthing off". But what would the mouth be but a mere orifice without those lips to frame it and that tongue to occupy it? Functional parts but yet so downright sexy when used in the throes of love.
Whew! Okay getting to the talking part, because we know all about the others. Sigh. Yes, talking. The voice and lips are able to convey so much in a single word or phrase by changing tone and inflection.
Take for instance the phrase, "Come here," if spoken in a harsh loud voice we might be startled or even cringe, but if said in a deep baritone with the words curling over his tongue, then oh yeah, it is quite different and can make your toes curl.
And when those male lips form those words, pursing together and then thrusting apart only to close back together - well, when combined with one of those hot searing looks that travels over you, undressing you in their sweep - It's enough to make a girl wet!
The art of talk is often overlooked by men as an easy way to beef up their sex appeal. Oftentimes too much emphasis is placed on looks, understandably in our culture, but some of the sexiest men I've known have not been GQ quality looks, but men who had a way about them that encompassed their voices and knowing how to use them!
Accents can be much sexier sometimes than the man himself. But if he has mastered all the nuances and incorporated them into a winning personality, then this guy will outshine an empty-shell facsimile.
Voice inflection, tone, pauses, are just a few of the ways to enhance speech and make every word leave a heart-pounding punctuation hanging in the air. Just as powerful as a whispered kiss in the ear!
Still, crisp white shirts and business suits can be just as sexy as the bare-chest sweaty guy if the right guy is inside. The guy who exudes that confidence and personal power.
I have known many (not that way, come on!) sexy men in just about all professions. The fact that they are good at what they do is truly the turnon.
What about you? Geek? Banker? Professor? Contractor? Cowboy? Fireman? Soldier? Police? Attorney? Chef? Stay-At-Home-Dad? Inventor, Doctor, Scientist?
All things being equal, do you find his profession a big turnon or turnoff?
And two more fabulous books from your favorite Hussies.Jen Ormand vowed never to return home. Traumatized by visions of demons only she could see, followed by a spell in a psychiatric hospital, she's determined to create a new life away from her hometown's dark past — until her parents die.
Now she's back and the demons are after her — again. Late one night they attack and sexy Garrett Dermonté saves her. When he sprouts wings and flies off into the night, Jen's sure she's suffering another psychotic break, especially since tall, dark and delicious makes her wet and hot for a lot more than rescuing.
Garrett has finally found the woman prophesied to reconcile his gargoyle clan. Jen is destined to lead them into battle against the demons, but can he convince her in time? Consumed by an uncontrollable lust for her, Garrett worries he's finally succumbed to the virus ravaging his species. Can he resist committing the unforgivable sin of making love to a human or will his hunger for Jen doom the world to demonic rule?
*The guy on this cover needs to be one of our hunks. Quick, someone recruit him. Wowza!*He's a man with a mission - to find the perfect wife and settle down. Sir Marcus Camberley doesn't expect to meet her on a dark beach, nor does he expect her to be aiding the smugglers landing their cargo. But one kiss is enough to shake his world, and a night together? His goose is cooked! For Mariah Dean, a night with this gentleman surpasses everything she'd ever imagined, but she's very content as a widow, keeping busy around the little village of Buckler's Hard. His proposal of marriage is unwelcome and he's acting like a goose. After all, why should such a man choose her?
He's an inventively sexy lover - she's a willing but stubborn pupil. Marcus knows they're made for each other, but convincing Mariah? It's going to take a lot more than charm. It's going to take time, effort and a little help - from the good folks of Buckler's Hard...
*Another gorgeous Syneca Featherstone work of art.*
Upcoming BooksThe next book in The Hussies series, Casseopeia by Nathalie Gray, will be available on August 6th.
In the cutthroat world of space couriers, can a woman trust her heart to a competitor?
He's big. He's bad. And badass Ty Weller is sex on legs as far as rival Jackie Clark is concerned. She's been looking from a distance for years, wanting to touch, hungry for the kind of things she knows Ty can do with that dirty mouth. But something always got in the way—deadlines, rivalry, distance. Not this time. She'll get a taste if it's the last thing she does.
When Ty wants something, he takes it. He's had it in for the little motormouth since day one and intends to conquer that too. What he didn't expect was that he may have to give his heart in return.
*Syneca is creating some pretty amazing covers!*
Hussy Happenings
Ci is choosing August as the 'get'r'dun' month and is finishing up edits on her next book in the Hussies series, Sin in Jeans, as well as some non-Hussies Series related projects. She's enjoying reconnecting with an old friend who has a lot of amazing tales from his exploits around the world and feeling a tad envious that she's not out kicking butt and taking names. Aside from that she's either (a) sitting beneath the AC vent or (b) becoming a prune in the pool. Anything to beat the heat.
After conquering Scandinavia and parts of Russia, Nat returned home with hundreds of notes and ideas for new stories (along with a pair of handsome Vikings that she has no intentions of sharing with the rest of the Hussies). Nat's plans for summer and fall are as follows: writing the next installment of Gentlemen Inc. (think gorgeous and mysterious Turkey and fearsome warriors) as well as Lycan 4, where we'll get to see a lot of Haruto (getit? getit? "see a lot" of him?). If all goes well, beginning of 2009 should see another Hussy story from our resident scifi junkie. Until then, visit our blog for regular updates!
With several books in the works, Nic is staying busy inside to avoid being melted by the HOT Florida summer days and her hotter than hot heroes. She has a Hussy book in edits, Have A Little Faith In Me. The heroine can't help it that the only way to help her trauma surgeon hero save the future is by tying him to the bed. There just weren't any other options. *g* Nic is also busy at work on a western, a ménage, a fantasy and a suspense. Okay, so she has a bit of an attention deficit and can't focus on one thing at a time but it works so she's not complaining.
While not writing she's plotting taking a swim at Ci's, using Sahara's frequent flyer miles to go steal Nat's Vikings, and joining Sally in a cool drink, garnished with mint leaves, of course.
Busy at work on several projects, Sahara's been dividing her time between writing and trying to figure out why a straight line isn't always a straight line when you're on an airplane. She has two books currently in edits - one of them a new Hussy novel, titled I Will Remember. It's a look at an exhausted country singing star and the only man on the planet who doesn't know who she is. Of course, he doesn't know who he is either. There'll need to be some hot Hussy lovin' to get his memories back on track. Also on the way is a Regency Quickie - Rogue's Diamond. Sometimes a character appears and demands his own story. Colonel Rogue Chambers did just that in "Buckler's Hard".
In between talking to her heroes about various important matters, Sahara's been seen in various airports around the country as she makes a few summer trips to visit family. Eager to perfect the "utter mess" that humidity wreaks on her hair, she has - of course - spent time in both Florida and Washington recently. She's now nearing the top of the "frizziest hair on an author" list and racking up some more frequent flyer miles by flying "straight" to DC from Florida - via Cincinnati. She's still trying to figure that one out.
Sally has been offered a contract for her first book in the Hussies Series, Fae's Gargoyle, and the next thing she'll be waiting for will be the edits, a release date and cover art. All exciting things for a hussy to be anticipating. In the meantime, she's busy writing another hussies book, tentatively titled Sire's Love, featuring AMY who was the winner for her Wanna Be a Hussy in Book Contest. Vampire fans will love hussy Amy, who is charged with rescuing a sexy vampire from prison! Next, Sally will be finishing up Danu's story which is set in ancient Scotland during the time of dragons. She hopes to have both of these books turned in to her editor before the end of summer. Then? Well, it's on to other books.
Summertime has found Hussy Sally doing those things she loves best, writing and spending time with family and friends, despite the sweltering summer heat. Undaunted by humid climatic obstacles, she's created long respites within the sizzling heat using cool waters, doses of chilling a/c and many tall drinks, clinking with ice and various delicious beverages- a few with umbrellas but most with mint leaves because she does after all live in the South and learned early in life that combating the heat is an artform.
August Contest
Take a HUSSY Vacation! Go somewhere you've never been before - see new things - feel new passion. And all FOR FREE!!
Win a download of all FIVE books featured in this newsletter - spend some time with The Hussies. The entry form is on our website, click here to enter.
Good luck!
The Hussies Series Bookshelf
*All books in the series are stand alone titles sharing a common theme*
Click here to view the series bookshelf at Ellora's Cave Publishing
All in Time, Ciana Stone
Fly by Knight, Sahara Kelly
A Taste for Jazz, Ciana Stone
Maxwell's Silver Hammer, Ciana Stone
Flyboy, Nicole Austin
The Hussies™