Stop by every Thursday and check out the latest wicked topic up for discussion. I’ll be delving into anything and everything that may be considered risqué, taboo or socially unacceptable. I am a Hussy, after all. Have something you’d like to discuss or know more about? Just let me know. I’m willing to explore any subject with you.
We’ve come a long way, baby, but in our society, sexual pleasure is still considered by many to be improper, a reason for guilt. I find this to be confounding and unhealthy. Why on earth would indulging in pleasures of the flesh be unacceptable? Our bodies are capable of giving and receiving earth-shattering bliss. I say be a greedy hussy and grab every bit of pleasure you can! Life’s too short to deny yourself. One safe and exciting way to do so is through exploring your body and desires with sex toys.
In the course of writing my books, I do a lot of research. When working on a BDSM story recently, I found some interesting toys. Here are a few that captured my attention.

Ever heard of vampire gloves? Now these are truly wicked. Soft leather gloves with prickly metal points on the fingertips which are supposed to create a ticklish sensation. These are used for sensory play.

I’m not brave enough, or is that crazy enough, to try the latex vac-bed. Oh my! Talk about extreme bondage. The air is vacuumed from between two layers of latex, immobilizing the person inside. There is a hole at the top where a breathing tube can be placed.

This one is called the ass sucker. I used this in the book I was researching, Trip My Switch. This is a remote controlled electronic rimming device on an adhesive butterfly pad. It’s supposed to feel like thousands of tongues.

Here’s another one I used in Trip My Switch, the penis plug. There are so many different designs and possibilities. Some are secured beneath the ridge and snake over the crown to literally plug the slit so the man can not ejaculate. Others are similar to a urethral sound and stimulate the penis from the inside while also preventing climax. I’ve even seen some that vibrate. Wowza!
Play safe and have fun, hussies!
Play safe and have fun, hussies!
Ack! Ack! Never realized I was so innocent. The amount of trust you'd have to give someone to let them put you in the vac-bed boggles my mind. I think I'd freak out in that thing.
Fascinating post, Nic!
Well howdy Naughty Nic! I have to say that the Ass Sucker had me laughing loud enough to scare some sand cranes into flight. Hey, what can I say the name is funny! Those vampire gloves look interesting! Hundreds of tickling pinpoints of pleasure? Hmmmmm.
I guess I fall into the same category as Ann. I don't know that I could ever get into one of those vac bed things.
I'm getting quite the education here. Honey man better watch out!
Thanks Nic. Now I have all sorts of new things to imagine :)
Nic, you are so darn naughty!
I had no idea. Color me sheltered feltered. Whew. I dunno... I think they are all wicked, but the last one, the penis plug. Oh ouch!!! I think these are for the borderline pain is pleasure kina hussy and hunk
Yes, I learned so much in my research. Wow! There are some wicked people out there dreaming these things up.
I had to include the ass sucker. Its just too funny of a name.
No way could I get vacuumed into that vac-bed either. Heck, I can't even sleep with the sheets tucked in at the foot of the bed without feeling closed in. lol!
I don't think I would ever have the courage to try these out. And hubby ain't brave enough either.
Interesting toys out there though for those brave enough to try.
I really don't think so! These are just too far out for me and I'm pretty liberal when it comes to sex toys.
I'm with Ann. Small town girl that I am. Oh wait, guess thats why I've got Hussy Charm School next week. What a, um, unique, collection of toys. It's amazing how inventive people can be when it comes to sex.
The penis plug looks like an auger drill. Yipes.
OH MY! The gloves, maybe.. the rest, OMG, I don't know.. And, I thought I was liberal in the bedroom. LOL
LOL I'm with Ann. I didn't know any of these things existed. The latex vac-bed is insane. It's like being buried alive as far as I'm concerned. Wow. There are some strange and unusal contraptions out there.
Love the Logo at the head of your post. Very cool!
Thanks, NJ! I think the logo is perfect for me. :D
Great subject Nic! LOL@ the Ass sucker, that's too funny. :) Don't you just love that people come up with all these toys, their imaginations are just endless. I envy people who are so open and experimental that way. :) Mmmm, vampire gloves, those sound delish! =D Love the Naughty Nic logo, that is YOU baby! 100% Naughtiness! *vbweg*
Smoooches babe.
Yes, the imaginations of those who create the toys seem to be endless.
I love the logo too, Christine! Thanks for stopping by. :D
I'm sure lots of wives would be interested in the penis plug. lol. What a sexy website. I can tell I'll be visiting here a lot :)
We'll be glad to have you, Charlie!
Gang, Charlie Horse is a long lost blogging buddy. He's back and he LOVES romance and EC books.
Let's give him a big ole hussy welcome!
well...ummm....well. That was enlightening and educational. Now I know what an Ass Sucker is...LOL.
Ass sucker, penis plug, vac-bed...and I thought I was very risqué with my tossing around words like cock ring and hot yogourt enema. Well, that sure was an education. Woo-damn, Nic, that reasearch must have cost you a fortune in bleach (for your eye sockets)!
Welcome, charlie horse!
Hot yogurt enema? Ick! Nah, no bleach needed, I just find myself laughing a lot, Nat. :D
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