Besides being Hump Day, we all know Wednesday is also one of two release days for those smokin' hot stories from Ellora's Cave. The Hussies wanted to provide a small, intimate environment to dish about the new releases, so join us for some humpin' good fun. Even if you're not reading, or releasing, today, say hi!
The Hussies want you!
Mmmm. What do we have here?

Man do these books look yummy. How's a hussy to choose?
Which ones are you buying this week? Why? Have you read this author before, or is she new to you? Did you glom the book this afternoon in one sitting, or is it in your TBR pile?
What attracted you to the story -- the plot, the genre, the totally hawt cover model?
To the authors of the new releases, come on in and jump and shout. This is your day!
Let the humpin' commence!
Well I know that I am going to get Anny's Everything Lovers Can Know. I have her other Mystic Valley books and I want this one also. Haven't read the others though, have been reading other books and also since this one is a prequel of sorts, I wanted to wait and read them in order. Even though I can read them the other two books prior to this one, I like reading a series in order regardless. I'm picky that way.
The Torrid Tarot book looks very interesting!!!!!! Haven't had much of a chance to thorougly educate myself with these titles.
The cover of the book usually draws first intrest, then the blurb. If its an author I really like, I'll read it regardless.
I like to read a series in order too. It seems to flow better that way and you have a better understanding of what is going on.
Hi Minime and Julianne! I have to agree that reading a series in order is the best way to go. Unless the books are completely stand-alone--and even then there's usually mention of a marriage, baby or some other bit about the previous couple.
I have to admit it kinda kills my interest in going back to read their story if I already know they had a baby. I wonder what that says about me? LOL Don't answer.
Enjoy those new releases, ladies and thanks for humpin' with the hussies! *ggg*
I am an indiscriminate book whore. The first step is admitting it right.
I will buy and read just about everything. Like sex, I have to explore all the possibilities.
The only thing that limits my purchases is my budget. When the new releases come out, I raid the grocery money and plan dinners around Top Ramen and Spam.
I click each and every book, get the description and prioritize which ones to buy now and buy later. Then my group reviews the ones they buy and gives me a heads up on whether it is something I would like to buy or pass on.
Love your new spot Ann!
I'm going to check out the Mandy Roth title. I've read some of her other work and I'm intrigued.
Renee, how about planning your menu around one 6 month old ginger ale and a cardboard pizza thats been in the freezer for God knows how long.
Teacher's Pet looks good. I'm putting that on my list. But not before I get to your book Ann :)
Hey! Woo don't all these books sound good? You know I was camped out and ready when they hit the release page. Yes, release day totally trashes my budget!! I'm reading Treaty of Seduction by our own Hussy sister, Mary Winter. And as soon as I finish it I'll start on the others. I really could use more hours in my day!! So many books, so little time :)
I hear ya, Ci! I need more reading time. My tbr list has gotten so huge I'll be crushed under it before long. Of course, that doesn't stop me from buying new books every release day. lol!
Renee, if I said it once, I'll say it again, you are every author's dream reader.
I also want the hussies to know that Renee is a stalker. But, she stalks bearing sweets!
Bev -- dibs on the ginger ale and freezer burnt pizza! Got any moldy muffins lying around? Preferably blueberry?
Charlie -- Promises, promises. You said I'd be the first review on your new blog then you went and cheated on me! Only back in my life for a couple of days and look what happens. I'm in despair!
Hey Ci! Do you use an ebook reader or your computer?
Nic -- tell me about it. I still have signed copies from friends at RWA '03 I haven't read yet. *sigh*
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