Caleb's the last of the single Russell men and that's fine with him. There’s plenty of women willing to scratch his itch. Life is good, even if it is a little predictable. Every now and again he liked to just get away from it all and spend some time alone.
And that's exactly what he was doing. Camping at the lake, kayaking and enjoying the peace and quiet. Until a woman falls out of the sky, capsizes his kayak and nearly drowns him. Then his predictable life becomes anything but predictable.
The woman who drops into his life isn't like any he's ever known. Maybe because he's never known a woman who isn't from this world. And he sure hasn't ever met one that can put as much starch in his shorts as she can with just a look.
Caleb thought he was a master when it came to seduction and making love. What he's about to learn is that he's only just touched the tip of the iceberg and better grab a raft because the ice is melting fast and things are getting steamier by the moment.
Interview with Ciana Stone
Ciana Stone is a multi-talented author who also wears the well-known hat in the romance publishing industry as Syneca Featherstone, cover artist extraordinaire.
Ciana took a break from writing her hot, sexy, cowboy books to talk with me about writing erotic romance and how her books always have a twist of the paranormal in the mix . She writes very strong heroines who are more than a match to their equally strong heroes.
Sally : What inspired you to start writing?
Ciana: Boredom. No seriously. I was in a period of my life where I was a little tired of art and photography but needed a creative outlet. My honey man suggested that instead of trying to create an image that told a story, I actually write one. Once I got started was hooked.
Sally: Who would you say influenced or had the strongest impact on your life and your art?
Ciana: Again, my honey-man. He must have been a sage in another life. Or Merlin. Whatever the case, when I sit down and tell him an idea, our conversations spark new ideas that I can run with. He’s my biggest fan and harshest critic and I adore him for both. I’m not really influenced by other writers or artists. I admire what they do and love reading their books or viewing their paintings, photos and films, but don’t have any desire to imitate them. They inspire me to push myself creatively and sometimes give me a moment of “wow, I wish I’d thought of that”, but I’m pretty content learning to develop my own voice and style.
Sally: All of your books are incredible and give the reader a very satisfying adventure. If you could live in one of your books for a weekend, which one would you select? Which character would you be?
Ciana: Without hesitation, Chase’n’Ana. And I’d be Ana because she has a good attitude, enjoys life and likes to have fun. And she has this incredible friend Fergie who’s a hawk and hawks are one of my favorite creatures in the world. Not to mention the fact that she has Chase who is my favorite character – a big handsome cowboy who’s sexy as sin and knows how to laugh. Oh yeah, I think I could spend a weekend in that world.
Sally: You’ve written in other genres, but your cowboy books are gobbled up so fast that readers are always begging for more. So, what do you think makes cowboys so alluring to romance readers?
Ciana: I think maybe it’s that we see in cowboys men who are in touch with the land and nature and appreciate it. They’re men who aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty and know how to dig in their heels on what they believe and want from life. Typically honest and straight-forward they have a “real man” appeal. Their muscles come from hard work, their humor from being down-to-earth and their passion for life is genuine.
Also there’s the old perception or stereotype that probably still exists in many minds of that solitary cowboy, all alone on the range with only his horse and his thoughts. Sleeping under the stars with only his own voice for company. It’s a soulful image and one that makes us want to ease the aloneness.
And hey, let’s face it, there’s something about a man in worn jeans, cowboy boots and a hat who know how to sit a horse. It’s earthy, masculine and very sexy.
Sally: Well, you won’t get any argument from me. If you could meet any person, alive or dead, who would that be and why?
Ciana: Burt Reynolds. Yep. I’ve been a fan of his as long as I can remember. He’s sexy, funny, talented and has entertained me for a long time. I get the feeling that he’s a man who enjoys living and has the ability to laugh at life and not take everything too seriously. And between us, the man still has some serious sex appeal.
Sally: Thank you for taking time out of an amazingly hectic schedule to talk about your books. I’d like to leave the readers with a little inside tidbit. What’s in store for readers from Ciana Stone in 2009?
Ciana: Hopefully books that will entertain them. I have a new romantic sci-fi series that I’m excited about, Soul of V’Kar. The first book in that series An Unwanted Hunger is under contract and I’m waiting to hear about a release date.
In 2009, I have a new series coming out from Ellora’s Cave with Sahara Kelly called Sexplorations. It’s all about women, their friendships and their journey of self-discovery and sexuality. That’s been such a fun series to write and I think is something every woman can identify with.
And I have a new cowboy series planned for 2010 with some rough and rowdy renegades from the past. I’m eager to get started on that because … well, you know. I just love cowboys.
Sally: I can’t wait to read them all. I know I’ll have a fantastic reading adventure when I do. Readers can
visit Ciana or
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