For one day (several if you go to a few Halloween parties) we get to be someone else. Put on a sexy costume and mask, flirt with a vampire or super hero, perhaps do a bit of role playing. *G* Halloween is the best holiday ever!

Naughty schoolgirl and the principal
Geisha and samurai
Harem girl and sheik
Police woman and gangster
Angel and devil
Nun and priest
Wench and pirate
Cheerleader and quarterback
Virgin and vampire
Maiden and knight ...
I can't decided if I want to wear my cavewoman or witch costume. But I know no matter what I choose, it's going to be a blast to step outside myself for a night and be someone different!
What about you? What are you going to be for Halloween?
Halloween is a very cool holiday.
I haven't dressed up in years. Hubby and I stay home and watch our favorite halloween-type movies.
If you dress up, we'll need pictures. *g*
I hate to admit it, and I haven't ever been to a Hallowe'en party as and adult. We are staying in and hopefully feeding candy to the little trick or treaters. Or maybe we'll just take a night out, as you suggest, and do some fantasy role playing! (VBG)
Whatever I wear will be rather tame this year because I'm working on Halloween. LOL!
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