Since the holiday season is upon us, it seems like a perfect time to start composing a wish list. When Santa slides down that chimney, he needs to have something in his goody bag for us. After all, we have been VERY good hussies.
So today I start with the numero uno on my and Nathalie's list ......
Christian Boeving!
Actor, spokesperson and the most photographed fitness model in the world, Christian exemplifies everything Nat and I love in a man. Lethally handsome, a body that makes a gal's salivatory glands go into overdrive, and a brain, baby!
The perfect gift for these hussies. Just open that portal into a parallel dimension where Nat and I can hijack Christian for one day and experiment with the "Friends with Benefits" concept. We'll definitely be adhering to the lessons learns in Hussy Charm school. Big, Big smiles (no faking necessary).

This is Ciana for the Hussies reminding you to make your list, check it twice, and send an email to Santa reminding him that a fulfilled wish list could net him more than cookies and milk:)
Happy Holidays!
Wherever Christian is from, they grow them nice and big over there.
That picture with the black T-shirt was...oh my. There's something about that sexy smirk too, as if he's thinking "you have seen nothing, ma'am".
Thanks Ciana!!
Aren't we lucky to have such a stunning HUNK as one of our official hunks?
I agree with Nat - sexy smirk from a man who has nothin' to prove.
Yummy. But could I get a cowboy in my stocking or under the tree? And also if he could bring all the books on my wishlist, I'd be reallly happy. *smile*
Or if the cowboy is unavailable, could I get any (or all) of the following: Gerard Butler, Oded Fehr, Karl Urban, Goran Visjnic, Orlando Bloom (either in Legolas or pirate gear)...this list could go on. hehe
Heck even Christian will do. I'm not picky.
Mmmm...waking up on Christmas morning to find Christian, or any of our hunks for that matter, under the tree would be heaven!
Minime, you have good taste, woman! Especially, Goran. He's so yummy. :D
Yeah, that'll work. ;-)
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