Specifically, this case involves a law that was intended to shut down adult establishments like strip joints, but sex shops got thrown into the mix so that children wouldn't be exposed to adult retail shops. Yep, you can imagine the collective scream when law makers told women they couldn't buy vibrators.
Okay, time for a Hussy rant. What's the message here? That parents can't be responsible enough to keep children out of adult stores? That business owners can't be trusted to follow the rules about covering windows or not displaying sex toys in windows? Or that women shouldn't be allowed to shop in stores that sell items for physical gratification? Jeeze!!
Now had this law banned things like erection drugs and condoms, you can bet your bippy that men would have had it overturned in record time. But erectile drugs and condoms were not on the banned list. Neither was anything relating to semen extraction businesses, such as in livestock and horse breeding. Hmmm, guess the lawmakers haven't figured it out. It's a known fact that a pissed-off stallion can take a grizzly bear. But just think what a pissed off woman can do!! Oh my, that could be downright frightening. But this law had to specify human genitals so they didn't infringe on breeders and such.
Only humans.
Now they did not prohibit internet shopping, because hey, that's had to do unless you ban internet access. They just prohibit the sale of sex toys in retail stores. But still, what if you want to get a first hand look before you buy, for texture, size, vibratory features?
I find it ridiculous in the extreme. It's legal to buy laptops with the capabilities of running virtual environments where, let's face it, people act out virtual sex acts and lives and lifesize posters of Johnny Depp, which no, aren't specifically designed to stimulate the human sex organs, but nonetheless have the potential to do so by way of that organ we call the brain.
Come on, Alabama. Put the burden of decision on the consumer. If they want to visit such a shop, fine. If they don't, then don't walk in. And put the burden on parents to manage their kids. That's our job after all, as parents. Shop owners are bound to tell any child that enters that they're not allowed. But at least give people the freedom to choose. That is, after all, the American way.
Realistically, how much long can laws like this stand? Isn't this a sign that although the "war in sex" isn't over, it's developing a case of erectile dysfunction with the American population?
Personally, I don't think it can possibly withstand the magnitude of the wave of female sexual empowerment that's happening online. We women are communicating and bonding in online forums and groups. We're demanding that our sexual natures no longer be viewed as something taboo or immoral. And we're instrumental in helping to normalize the concept of bringing technology into sex play.
Yep, we women are indeed changing the world. Look at what we've done for romance in the last decade. It's no longer our grandmother's vanilla tales where a gal is lucky to get a kiss at the front door. Now we have fiction that allows us to see inside house, but takes us into the bedroom and gives us an up close and personal look at the action happening between the sheets. And for those who like to scoff and see if as a "passing fad" or something without power ... well, wake up. We're here and our numbers (and sales) are growing daily.
So, the good news is, that while there's still a way to go, we're making progress. In another ten to twenty years laws such as this one in Alabama will have passed into oblivion, like the law prohibiting putting an ice cream cone in your back pocket on Sunday.
For me, I say, YAHOOOOOO, bring it on. Let's change the world, empower our sisters and let the world know that female sexuality is HEALTHY. Let's put lawmakers and prudes on notice. The women of today are no longer cowering little wimps willing to sit back and let others decide for them. No, indeed. This Age of Aquarius is going to be a time of great change, and exploring our sexuality is part of it. Which goes to show that not only are we in the Age of Aquarius, darlin, we're in the Age of the Hussy! Taking charge of our lives and exploring all the facets of our diverse natures.
Ain't it cool?
This is Ciana, for the Hussies, saying have a hussicilious day, and celebrate your sexuality :)
A law banning sex toys...? Why? Is this another attack of morality?
This is like that craziness a couple of centuries ago of putting fig leaves over Ancient Greek statues' genitals. Which announced loud and clear just *what* these hypocritical moralists were looking at. Some people viewed nudity then the way some view sex now: something against which we have to be protected. You show them a Flemish masterpiece of glorious color, light or detail, and all they'll see is the girl's damn boobs...and there they go, crying for the morality squad!
If it weren't so damn frustrating and inconvenient, this whole nonsense would be laughable.
Laws against sex toys? (shaking head) I bet they Alabama didn't ban strip clubs and peep shows. Jeez! Come on people. This is not 1907 its 2007.
I love your comment "Isn't this a sign that although the "war in sex" isn't over, it's developing a case of erectile dysfunction with the American population?" ROFL! Good one!
Well... where are the women lawmakers?
It's amazing what lawmakers waste their time on. No wonder crime is rampant and violence against women is high.
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