Howdy from Hunk Hunting Command. This is Hussy Ciana ,
The Hunk Hunter, reporting in with the latest update.
Now before I start talking about Hunks, everyone mark their calendars because on May 22nd from 8-10 pm (est) Two Lips is opening its door - and The Hussies Will be In The House! It's going to be a lot of fun, with a live chat, prizes and games ... and did I mention Hunks? Yes, our Hunk of the Month is going to drop in.

Which leads me to (drum roll please) The Hussies Hunk of the Month!
Please visit www.hunksnhussies.com to see more pictures of this oh-so-fine hunk and to read an interview that still has this Hussy's temperature way above normal.
Yes, gals, I got a chance to spent some time with this Hunk and it was something I'll never forget. Can you say N A U G H T Y? Well, read the interview and find out just how naughty this Hunk can be!
Oh! And read an interview with your's truly on Coffee Time Romance.
This is Hunk Hunter Ciana, signing out. Have a great evening everyone!
WAHOO! I'm so excited about our HUNK OF THE MONTH and our Chat with Two Lips!
Oh Ciana he is ssooooo fine! I love the dark hair, dreamy eyes and kiss me lips.
and pinchable butt - don't forget that part :)
I just read the interview..I like a man who can make me laugh and drool at the same time!LOL...Great interview Ci and I can't wait for more!!!
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