It's the first birthday of my newsgroup! I can hardly believe it. What an incredible year, but soooo much wicked fun. We're up to Chapter 13 of The Amorous Adventure of Alice. That girl has STAMINA! (So do my newsletter subscribers.)
To celebrate, I've managed to persuade Miriliel the Burnished (Mirry to his friends) to take a break from his scholarly research and do an interview for us. Believe me, it wasn't an easy task!
Last time Mirry dropped in, on a Hussies List Mom day, he swears he left several tail feathers behind. I had to do some fast talking. Lucky I talk VERY fast. And loud.
Mirry is one busy Aetherii, though just between us, I suspect it's Fledge and Jan who take up most of his attention. ;-)
What would you like to ask Mirry? Any question at all. This is your opportunity.
If you haven't read Tailspin, that's okay. Pick up the general idea by checking the excerpt on my website -
http://www.deniserossetti.com/tailspin.html or at EC -
http://www.ellorascave.com/productpage.asp?ISBN=9781419909108 They're not the same.
I will use as many questions as time permits, but Mirry will personally choose a winning question for -
A laminated, autographed (by me) poster of Mr Shades (that is, Ryan), the oh-so-hunky cover dude from Ellora's Cavemen: Seasons of Seduction Vol 1. Here he is in full, glorious size -
AND ALSO - two other readers' questions will be selected to receive a set of oversized, colour, autographed postcards of all three of my gorgeous EC covers. (Syneca ROCKS!)
The interview will be posted on my website.
Email me at deniserossetti @ gmail.com (without the spaces). Contest closes 8th June 2007.
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