Okay, what's it gonna be today? Savage appeals to me, if only for the title ;) Have to say there are times I have extreme
title envy, and heartily wish I could squirrel the good ones away and keep them for myself.
Do you have favorite titles? Nevermind the content, what titles have stuck in your mind? Why?
Happy releasing!
Sherri King's "Ravenous" makes me all tingly in my woman parts. As does "Madame Charlie" by Sahara Kelly, and Madeleine Hunter's "Lord of Sin".
Ravenous was the book that popped my EC (and ebooks in general) cherry. *smile*
Those new releases look so lovely.
I like your titles too, Nat! Feral, Primal, Femme Metal -- those are all great.
Ravenous is wonderful! Sometimes those one word titles are so evocative.
I got them all! I'm such a book hussy. :D
All look so yummy...
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