In order to survive Mondays, it might be best to make a little private resolution. Do NOT start using that new product on a Monday. You know the one - that brand-new, all-over-the-television conditioner that promises soft and silky hair men will want to lose themselves in. (Snort. They’ll more likely end up spitting bits out of their mouths, but that’s another feature.)
You bought this miracle goop on Sunday - a weak moment at the department store when you figured you deserved a treat. Well, you do deserve a treat, but it’s probably best to hold off using it until you have chance to: a) play with it, b) read the directions thoroughly - even though they’re written so tiny that only people who can see well enough to determine the sex of a southbound flea at twenty yards actually have a chance of deciphering them - and c) discover if it works or not.
Example? That body wash that promises “radiance”. You get radiance, all right. In the form of tiny sparkly bits on your skin. Nice for parties, but a bit much for the office or the supermarket, where glittering in the frozen food section gets you a few odd looks from the stockboy. So when it comes to hair, Monday is definitely a time to stick with your tried and true routine. After all, you don’t wanna end up looking like THIS, do you? (grin)

I note here that for some reason, cats seem to express Monday sentiments so much better than a lot of other animals. Gotta love those faces! Of course, once upon a time, cats were revered as Gods. They have never forgotten this.
You bought this miracle goop on Sunday - a weak moment at the department store when you figured you deserved a treat. Well, you do deserve a treat, but it’s probably best to hold off using it until you have chance to: a) play with it, b) read the directions thoroughly - even though they’re written so tiny that only people who can see well enough to determine the sex of a southbound flea at twenty yards actually have a chance of deciphering them - and c) discover if it works or not.
Example? That body wash that promises “radiance”. You get radiance, all right. In the form of tiny sparkly bits on your skin. Nice for parties, but a bit much for the office or the supermarket, where glittering in the frozen food section gets you a few odd looks from the stockboy. So when it comes to hair, Monday is definitely a time to stick with your tried and true routine. After all, you don’t wanna end up looking like THIS, do you? (grin)

I note here that for some reason, cats seem to express Monday sentiments so much better than a lot of other animals. Gotta love those faces! Of course, once upon a time, cats were revered as Gods. They have never forgotten this.
What do you mean revered as Gods?! You look at any one of the little furry critters, and they think they *are* Gods. :)
Hair product. Oh, it happened to me a little while ago. I'm on the constant lookout for the Great and Bestest Hair Gel (for, you know, keeping them spikes straight up on my head). Then I found something called "Party Proof". "Hurray!" I exclaimed.
Well, it HOLDS that stuff. The problem is, when they say *waterproof* they really mean it. I'm in the shower, shampooing like a madwoman and the stuff is still there when I'm done. It won't come off. *gasp*
So I now look like that cat, but less godlike.
LOL. I love the picture. I've seen it in my mirror too many times.
Nat, you really left me with a visual. Hope your goop leaves your hair, hate for the spikes to suffer.
Thanks for a Monday chuckle, Sahara!
I try never to use anything on a Monday or right before something big (like a wedding) because whatever it is always seems to go wrong.
Sahara, do you have cats? LOL! I have 2 and they both think that they're God/Goddess and we humans are their servants. LMAO!!
Is that a cat or Yoda incognito??????????
And no, I'm not touching the "bad hair day" thing - haven't had a good one since I crossed over the Florida state line.
Hehe, I love that cat picture. Too funny. I love giving my kids bad hair days, at least until we go outside. Then they have a visit from the hair specialist.
LOL! Great kitty picture.
I put on a new facial lotion, then the minimal make-up I wear and went to work. Had an allergic reaction to the lotion and walked around at work all puffy and red. Ack!
LOL Love the kitty picture.
Thankfully, my hair is long and straight--not too much can go wrong.
N.J. - my hair's almost at my waist and believe me, there's a LOT that can go wrong with it. And frequently does. LMAO
I used to have cats, Dani, then I married a man who's allergic to 'em. It was a hard choice, lemme tell ya. Cats or husband? Hmmmm...
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