Thanks to the Hussies for inviting me today. I’m talking about my favorite kind of hero – the bad boy. The guy with the sly grin, worn jeans and black leather jacket. The rebel with the seductive wink that hints at a real good time. The hunk with the motorcycle or the hot car that mothers warn their daughters about.
Why does the bad boy intrigue me so? Maybe it’s because when I was growing up, I was the good girl. You may not know it from the stories I write, but I was the girl who always had her homework done on time, never was late for class, and would never have even considered skipping school. Booooring. Those bad boys were anything but boring. They held a promise of something exciting, something I probably didn’t even recognize back then. So I can’t help but write about them now.
The lyrics of Tim McGraw’s song “Real Good Man” really illustrate a lot of the traits of a bad boy, but this stanza says exactly why I love them:
I might have a reckless streak
At least a country-mile wide
If you’re gonna run with me
It’s gonna be a wild ride
When it comes to loving you
I’ve got velvet hands
I’ll show you how a real bad boy
Can be a real good man
Yep, that’s it. The wild ride. The velvet hands. Mmmm.
In NOTHING TO FEAR and TASTE OF HONEY from Ellora's Cave, the heroes certainly give the heroines that wild ride. And in my newest release, Quinn’s Curse, from eRedSage, my hero is the ultimate bad boy. A self-serving, lusty pirate who’d been doomed to hell except for a last minute sacrifice during a shipwreck. But even as a ghost, he manages to misbehave. It’s only when he meets the heroine that he begins to have second thoughts about the way he carried on.
And that’s when I realized the real reason I love to write about bad boys. Because there’s nothing better than a bad boy who’s redeemed by the love of a good girl.
How about you? Do you love a bad boy as much as I do?
Natasha Moore
Romance with more…sizzle
Natasha, what is there not to love about a bad boy.
They give you spice, heat and incredable fantasies.
Welcome to the Hussy Blog, Love your books, The Ride of her Life was an awesome story. Sarah's and Dean's chemistry is something not to miss.
You all need to read this book!
Hi Hussies and Natasha! :) I can't wait to read Quinn. I love bad boys and loved The Ride of Her Life too. I drool over bad boys. Huge congrats!!
Wow Deb & Red, so glad you liked The Ride of Her Life - Dean was a bad boy who wanted to be good :)
Hope you love Quinn too.
Welcome Natasha! I think you got it right at the end of your post, a bad boy redeemed by the love of a woman.
Hi, Natasha! Oh, yes, I most definitely love a bad boy--and redeemed bad boys are particularly great.
Hey Nic and Cindy! Glad you share my love of the bad boy. Here's to many more bad boy heroes and the women who love them :)
You gotta love a bad boy, especially one who turns into a good man. :-)
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