I admit it - I am an awards show junkie. I watch the Emmy's, Tony's, SAG, Golden Globes, and, this past weekend, both the Independent Spirit Awards and the Oscars.
The two awards ceremonies couldnt be more different - one's held in a tent near the beach at lunchtime, the dress code is casual, the presenters and winners curse, and there's a best picture sing-a-long (you gotta experience that!). The other... is the opposite. And while I know those nominated and winning Oscars are committed to their work, there is a different kind of passion shown at the Independent Spirit Awards that is truly inspiring. There are movies that are nominated for both awards (this year "Juno" and "I'm Not There", last year's "Little Miss Sunshine") and actors who move beautifully between the two worlds notably Patricia Clarkson, Laura Linney, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, and Forrest Whittaker, among others.
What does this have to do with me and writing? Well, at this time I am proudly published with Ellora's Cave. My first book (ROLL PLAY) is available only in e-book form. My next story for them, RETURN TO XANDER, will appear in print in their September Cavemen Anthology. Friends and family have asked about whether I will seek an agent or a New York publishing house in the near future. Of course I've thought about it. And then I saw these two awards shows, and the different attitudes and emotions and I knew... I would like to have both worlds, please.
Being part of the indie/e publishing world is incredible. Current best selling authors have come from here and who knows where the next one will be. We have a freedom to try new things, stretch the envelope and reap the benefits. I love that my first sale was made in February and the book was available by August. I love how fast e-publishers can respond to a change or a need (like Alessia Brio's Coming Together series, that put together "Under Fire" in just a few months and which will benefit the victims of the CA fires). For the big publishers, making a course change is like turning a cruise ship - it takes time and deliberate focus. Indie/e keeps the publishing world on it's toes while meeting the needs of huge groups of readers.
I've come to realize that I always want to be a part of the indie/e world and the passion and support I have found here. I want to know I can follow my muse and be recognized and accepted for that. And should NY coming knocking, or should I seek them out, well... being the Patricia Clarkson of publishing sounds pretty good to me.
Thank you, Hussies, for inviting me here today to guest blog. May you all follow your muses to greater and greater successes!
Rowan West
Just saw your blog on the PN list. I agree about epub. I was so blown away by the speed of being published. I'm old. I thought I didn't possibly have time to have a book published and not be senile and in the NH before it came out. Then I submitted to an epub. Not only did they like my work, the book was availble to quickly my head spun and they are all for experimentation with your genre. Love your site BTW. My blog is http://carol-carolsinkspot.blogspot.com Come by and visit. Carol
I definitely prefer the quicker pace and closer relationship with my readers of being e-published. Deadlines give me hives, and the thought of submitting proposals and getting an agent... No thanks!
I just found the post from Rowan and wanted to stop by to see what she's blogging about!
Now, here's the thing. With all of these award shows, isn't it time for something similar in romance? Of course, the red carpet would be white-hot blue. The presenters clad in well...close to nothing and naturally, they would need to look like Mr.Romance.
Okay, okay. It's early and my imagination is running wild. Thanks for letting me know more about you, Rowan! I'll bookmark The Hussies blog and be back a lot! (Waving wildly to the Hussies!)
Thanks for all your great comments, ladies. It supports my point of the heart that exisits within the indie/e author world.
I am also reminded that many of us are here by CHOICE, not chance. As Nicole wrote, this is where she wants to be, not looking for an agent and dealing with other people's deadlines.
See you 'round the e-world!
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