Congrats to the winners of our 2 Grand Prizes!
Here are the winners of the Grand Prizes.
The Scavenger Hunt Winner is Melissa [mitabird@...]!
The Blog Winner is Julianne!
CONGRATS Melissa and Julianne - Drop me an email at sally @ hunksnhussies .com (w/o spaces) with the email to use for the cyber gifts and your snail mail for the other gifts.
Thanks to the many many hussies who played the scavenger game. It took quite a while to go through the entries to verify answers. Thanks for your patience in getting the winners posted here.
Everyone have a super upcoming holiday and spring break!
From the HUSSIES, Sally, Susie, Ciana, and Denise
Congrats Ladies!!!!
Congrats Melissa I don't know about you, but I'm having a hard time choosing which books I want. Hahaha
Congrats Ladies! You got an excellent prize pkg.
I also want to thank the 4 Hussies, Denise, Ciana, Susie and Sally because without them, we all wouldn't know about the INNNNEERRR hussie. And thanks for the opportunity to meet all those fine hussies in the chat and offer all those wonderful prizes.
Congrats you two.
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