Monday night Hussies Sally and Ciana joined the Night Owl Romance chat for some fun and games. Thanks to all our sista Hussies who showed up to join in and make the event even more fun!
We had a surprise guest, Clay, a rodeo bull-ridin cowboy who was far more interested in offering the Hussies a ride than anything else. Ya'll asked for a photo of Clay. Well, I vowed that I would not show his face ....BUT said nothing about showing off a little bod :)
Speaking of bods .... April is half over and we're in the process of selecting our Hunk of the Month for May who will be featured on our web site, along with an interview so you can get to know him better:) If you have any questions you want me to ask the hunks, email them to me and I'll include them.
Hope you all have a hussicilious day :)
OMG!!!! Now I really have to go meet him. *running to car, jumping in, driving to meet Clay)
WOW!!!! Can't wait to feel those muscles.
LOL Juilianne!
I think if the guests last night had seen that pic, they would have been stunned into silence.
I know I am. I'm still licking my lips looking at his picture.
Yummy-licious picture. Mmm-mmm good. Too bad we can't see his Stetson. Hat and chaps, what a combo. Hehe
Man's gotta have a little mystery sugah :)
Thanks for the comments. Miss Julianne, you just let me know when you want a feel!
Now u have loins all hot!!! dear god in hunk heaven
I think you should let Ciana show all of you! As in your face too!
Oh, I meant to ask: What's a cowboy do with a big hammer like the one you have in your hand?
OHH MY! Where are my spurs? Whipcream? What a MAN..;)
Ummm Clay, I'm on my way to get those spurs your so fond of. And lets see, you said spurs and nothing else right?? How about spurs and chocolate syrup. YUMM!!!
How about you visit the RT convention next year with Ci and all the rest of us hussies?? I'll take my feel then.
Hello Hussies :) - thanks for the great chat - I had a lot of fun - and that picture is the cherry on top!
See you at RT next year!
Morning Ladies :)
That a pounding hammer Miss Sally. Sometimes a man just has to pound.
And I like chocolate, whipcream, and all the sweets but my favorite is warm chocolate pudding just thick enough you can use it for finger painting. Course the best part is that you get to eat what you paint.
What's RT?
Have a good morning ladies - this fella's headed for bed for a few hours shut eye.
Clay RT is Romatic Times and its a magazine that sponsers a get together of authors and readers for parties and learning. Wanna come join the fun???? I'll be there. I'm not all that fond of chocolate pudding, but if you like it then thats fine with me.
I love chaps. All that leather...frames things so nicely, don't you think? The denim's kind of a distraction though *hint! hint!*
Clay, that's a good lookin'...er...hammer you got there, hon. Nice long, strong shaft. It'd be a real handful for a gal, wouldn't it... *wink*
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