Breaking Up
It’s never easy. Unless you were married to (or dated) an asshole, in which case it *is* eminently easy to kick his sorry ass out the door, and yes, take your goddamn baseball cards collection with you!
It’s never easy. Unless you were married to (or dated) an asshole, in which case it *is* eminently easy to kick his sorry ass out the door, and yes, take your goddamn baseball cards collection with you!
But if you had something in common with that person, then chances are, calling it quits and moving on can sometimes be a sad day. But fear not, The Hussies are here! We’ve come up with fun and inventive ways to lose a guy. 50 ways, to be exact. You’ve read them over the week and now scroll through the last ones, cooked up by yours truly. Laugh, cringe, or roll your eyes.
*cue drum roll*
Throw some china, Anna
Push him into a well, Michelle
Bounce the jerk, Dirk (hey, equal opportunity!)
Bust his Oldsmobile, Cheryl
Run your key along his Ferrari, Sophie
Go after his finances, Frances
Sue, Sue
Blow stuff up, Penelope (okay, so this one doesn’t rhyme. Sue me.)
Now take a look at this hilarious break up commercial from Coke and try to remember when 1 million dollars meant a lot of cash. Yeah, fuzzy, eh?
*cue drum roll*
Throw some china, Anna
Push him into a well, Michelle
Bounce the jerk, Dirk (hey, equal opportunity!)
Bust his Oldsmobile, Cheryl
Run your key along his Ferrari, Sophie
Go after his finances, Frances
Sue, Sue
Blow stuff up, Penelope (okay, so this one doesn’t rhyme. Sue me.)
Now take a look at this hilarious break up commercial from Coke and try to remember when 1 million dollars meant a lot of cash. Yeah, fuzzy, eh?
Well...that would help you get over a break up. That's for sure! :)
BUY MORE COKE - as in the drink. snicker.
LOL Revenge can sometimes be sweet.
Ways to ease the break up: maybe?
Find a hot man with money, Honey
Forget all about him, Kim
Drop him in death valley, Sally
Make him feel pain, Laine
Flaunt a man that's sexy, Lexxie
I know the contest is over but these arrived in the middle of the night and I couldn't resist.
Throw a freedom party, Marty
Kick him in the ass, Cass
Don't show you care, Blair
Take to your heels, Chels
Give him a bid cocky grin, Gin
Hoping that they stop popping
into my mind now. LOL
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