So...who's on top, you ask? For me, that's an easy one. I'll take a lusty Lord, thank you. A Knight of the Realm. Whether jousting or soliciting my hand for a waltz, he's unquestionably in control, not about to be refused and staring at me with a great deal of heat in his gaze. (Hey. It's my fantasy! Let me enjoy it, okay?)
He is a man for the ages, a man of many faces - all of them rugged, desirable and guaranteed to put a flutter into a maiden's heart. (All right, let's not quibble about the "maiden" bit. Like I said, it's MY fantasy!!) And he dresses flamboyantly, secure enough in his masculinity to be able to deal with codpieces, ruffles, cloaks and hats. Isn't it a shame that part of history has vanished into denim and baseball caps? Sigh.
In case you're in doubt, you'll see below EXACTLY who I'm talkin' about. There isn't a dude out there who better represents my choice for WHO'S ON TOP!!! For anyone who persists in believing that the Historical romance novel is dead, I say "POO"!!! Just take a look at the inestimably perfect Mr. Darcy (aka Mr. Yummy Colin Firth). If this is "dead", move over in the casket because I want in!!! What do you think?
A Knight of the Realm!! (sigh) And MOST excellent choice for an on top candidate :) Of course, I do have to say that ruffles on a man give me the creeping willies - yeah shoot me, I'm strange. But hey, the ruffles do come off :)
It's your fantasy. Have it any way you want.
Knights with long...swords! Or better yet, in kilts with swords. Yeah baby!
Oh, Mr. Darcy...he breaks my heart.
What a great montage and timing, too. "I'm too sexy for my hat" played just as Darcy strides over in his mile-high toptap.
*happy sigh* Thank you for that Sahara!
I'm all for knights...and rugged Scotsmen, and Regency lords. *g*
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