However, that hasn't stopped me from getting inventive for this week's theme...
Give him a pain, Jane
Make a big scene, Jean
Knock him to the mat, Nat
Kiss another girl, Pearl
Blacken his eye, Ci
Push him out the gate, Kate
Shave both his legs, Meg
Lock him in the can, Ann
Abscond with his cash, Ash
Shove him in a pit, Kit
Fill his trousers with fleas, Reese
Hire a lawyer to sue, Rue
Run away with a cook, Brooke
Curl your lip and then hiss, Bliss
Laugh like hell at his bone, Joan
Kick him up the ass, Cass
...and set yourself free!!!
Keep goin' Hussies...I know I've missed some!!! And what better way to survive a Monday than playing along?
Laugh like hell at his bone, Joan. ROFLAMO - now there's the number one, sure fire way to get rid of a lover. And it gave me a huge laugh for the morning.
And oh Monday - the first work day of the whole "spring forward" time, I need a laugh. There's not a lot a "springing" to this new time thing. Just means that 5am alarm is really going off at 4, which does not inspire me to spring anywhere but back between the sheets :)
Thanks Sahara. Hope we hit the big 50 on this list!!
To the mat, Nat! :))
Heck, there's no way to top that Sahara. You just shut my little muse right up.
But you made me think of one:
Desert him in the Sahara, Mara
It'a an addiction. Almost as bad as a certain two 'Hussies' with scrable. LOL
Use tar and feather, Heather
Show him your knife, Wife
Ship him to the moon, June
Announce that he's sucky, Duckie
Tell all,he's girly & fussy, Hussie
Tie a tin can to his tail, Gail
Turn him into a midget, Bridget
Set him ablaze, Maize
Take over his Rolls Royce, Joyce
Feed him to a llama, Mama
Get a hotter man, Fran
Hit him with a dish, Trish
that's all for now, folks
Feed him to a llama, mama. ROFLAMO!!!!!!!!!!!
Leave him on a plane, Jane!
How about pretending to plan a trip away together, then actually leave a day earlier to a totally different destination without him. Mary Ann W. :D
Don't you have 50 yet???
Ship him to Havana, Ciana
Poke pins in his pole, Nicole
Glue his car keys, Louise.
These are hilarious. What imaginations. Here's some I thought of:
Spank his fanny, Frannie.
Use his brother's tool, Jewel.
Use his butt as a practice target, Margaret.
Grafitti his prized Ferrari, Mari.
I've been with hubby too long to even think back to the days of breaking up. *g*
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