Good morning, class. Welcome to the first installment of Hussy Charm School where I'll take you from shy small town girl to vixen.
Don't think you can do it? We don't accept that here at the school. Because I guarantee you, if I can let my inner hussy out, so can you.
In order to be a hussy you have to feel like a hussy, so we're going to work on those inner landscapes. No, I'm not talking about standing in front of the mirror dancing to Shakira's Hips Don't Lie naked telling yourself you're the most beautiful creature in the world. Though frankly that won't hurt. So if you want extra credit, go for it.
But while we're talking about Shakira's music (and have you seen her videos, I'd kill someone for abs like hers - just kidding!) we'll take a lesson out of the music diva's book. To be a inner hussy you need a hussy soundtrack. What songs make you think of sex? Those are the songs you need to add to your hussy playlist in your mp3 player, burn to a cd and play over and over and over again until you see yourself as an inner hussy.
My mom introduced me to some hussy playlist songs for those who like country (or need to write about hot cowboys). You may want to try Tangled Up by Billy Currington, The Hot Tub Song by Phil Vassar, or Honky Tonk Badonk or Hot Mama by Trace Adkins.
If you're looking for workout music or need something with a bit more tempo I love Nelly Furtado's Promiscuous, the aforementioned Hips Don't Lie by Shakira, Big Girl (You are Beautiful) by Mika, and many others. Don't forget Head Like a Hole by Nine Inch Nails. Yeah baby, bow down to the one you serve.
Class is only in session every other week, so for the next two weeks I want you to create your own inner hussy playlist. And then, play it. Who knows what will happen? (And if you have a favorite song, let me know. I'm always looking to add to my playlist, too.)
*rifling through cds*
That is a most excellent, hussy suggestion! I wanna get an A in this class, so I'm gonna run right off and do my hussy homework.
I have a long list of songs that I love that just make me feel impowered. You asked for it, so here it is:
Powerful Stuff & Tuff Enough by The Fabulous Thunderbirds, Stone in Love by Journey, Someone that You're With by Nickelback, Turn Up the Radio by Autograph, Slip of the Lip by Ratt, Life in the Fast Lane by the Eagles, She's a Bad Mama Jama by Carl Carlton (yeah it's old I know).
These are just a few that I can think of at this point, but there are more that. :)
Wonderful class Head Mistress Mary. And I'm putting together my playlist now...
Respect by the lady herself, Aretha Franklin
What's Love Got to do with it by the gal with the original go-go legs Tina Turner
Tuff Enough (Yeah, Dani, we're on the same wave length)
Love Sneaking up on You (Bonnie Rait)
I Don't Need a Man (Pussy Cat Dolls)
Take Me to the River (Annie Lennox)
Vogue (Madonna)
Planet Rock (Afrika Bambatta & The Soulsonic Force)
Kryptonite (Three Doors Down)
Hollywood (Daniel Powter)
Better call a Preacher (Sammy Keshaw)
Dance Sister Dance (Santana)
Arrived (Brand New Sin)
Evil Angel (Breaking Benjamin)
Chain Reaction (BJ Icey)
uh, I guess I should stop. That's at least half an hour's worth of letting out the inner hussy :)
Thanks for the class. Can't wait till next time!!
I'm going old school on yah first.
-Dirty Diana...Michael Jackson
-You Dropped A Bomb On Me...The Gap Band
-Apache...The Sugarhill Gang
-Wild Thing and Funky Cold Madina by Tone Loc
Just to name a few :)
Get my Rock On with:
-Rollin Stones
-Def Leppard
-and more
Get my Drink On:
-John Anderson
-Toby Keith
-George Thorogood (falls in several categories)
-Rascal Flatts
-Jimmy Buffet
-Keith Urban
It all depends on my mood as to whether I get my funk on, rock out or mellow out. I can definitely get hussified to them all..:)
I will confess - each time I log onto iTunes, I always play Sex Bomb by Tony Evans...LOL - my new theme song though it Settlin' by Sugarland - it's a fantastic song!!
I have to say anything by NIN, Radiohead, Linkin Park or Pink make me feel like kicking down doors and yelling "BOOM BABY!!!"
I know, I need help.
Oh, man... let me start out with Barry White! Oh... yeah... Some celtic favs and I need that angst too, gets the heartstrings strumming, so Evanescence is good for that one. I write my gargoyles by their music. Good lesson, Teach!
What a great idea! I've got to think about this a while. Definitely need some Annie Lennox and some Aretha Franklin!
Awesome topic, Mary! Your inner soundtrack totally affects your attitude and how you feel about yourself.
There are so many wonderful hussy songs. One of my favorite hussy singers is Paula Cole, This Fire album. Feelin' Love is such a sexy, sensual song and Where Have All The Cowboys Gone.
Janet Jackson's Damita Jo album is very explicit and sexual. Oh, and Christina Aguilera's Back to Basics album...wow!
You can listen to song clips on Amazon.com.
You can listen to clips of songs
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