Okay class, it's that time again. Hussy Charm School. Since our last meeting I hope you've been groovin' and shakin' to your hottest, most inspirational tunes. Now comes is the next step in bringing out our inner hussy and it's a doozy.
Step #2 - Believe In Yourself
Those three little words have the power to stop a woman right in her tracks. We're always looking at our bodies. It's too fat, too skinny, too droopy, too wiggly... Our hair never does what we want it to do. (Trust me, this is one hair-stupid hussy, which is why I got it cut off again. Wash and go! Whee!).
So we'll probably spend quite a few weeks on this lesson, but that's okay. It's an important one. This week's lesson...have a self-esteem buddy.
Now, being a Hussy means loving yourself. But there's nothing wrong with having a good friend to go to when things get you down.
I'm lucky. My self-esteem buddy is also my partner. "If you ever need to know how desirable you are," he says, "just feel this." And then, of course, he guides my hand to the appropriate place. Ooh! I'm thinking he likes me. *wink*
See, it's hard work saving the world and being a Hussy. You can be your own best cheerleader, but when you're too tired to rah!rah! then make sure you have a good friend to call. After all, all the best superheroes had groupies. Even Buffy!
Self-esteem is probably the toughest thing to achieve, isn't it? We're so constantly bombarded by the media on how to be thin, how to "erase the signs of age" or have better hair or teeth or nails or feet ... a woman could get a complex just reading one magazine!
I find it a shame that we place such a high value on what's on the outside and so little on what really counts - namely what lies beneath the surface. But if we can touch that "I am" part of ourselves and realize that it's okay to be just who we are then in time we realize that we actually can be accepted and appreciated.
No, we might not be asked to pose for Sports Illustrated or be one of the Victoria's Secret girls, but really, who cares? I'm happy to be me ... warts and all.
So often we think self-esteem is something we want to assure our kids have that we forget it is something that it can be an issue that follows many people through life.
There are also rocky places in the journey that can attack and in many cases nearly destroy it.
So it helps to remember, when our bodies fall away in this life, we are all going to look pretty much the same. Too many people forget to work on the inside as diligently as they are working on the outside appearance. (g)
I've come a long way with my own self-esteem issues. It's a dailey issue but I've found in the last year since becoming a hussy sista and meeting lots of new friends online that I feel better about myself. Those cyber pats on the back and cyber hugs mean a lot to me when I'm not feeling my best. Now if I could just learn to blow kisses at myself instead of snarling my nose if front of a mirror....LOL Shame mirrors don't reflect the inner beauty, but that's ok because I can feel it with a little help from my friends..:)
I agree, Ci. Self-esteem is so important and also tough to attain. Our society is so rushed and into the superficial that most people don't take the time to discover how beautiful someone is on the inside.
I've have this problem. I do try to think better about everything and it helps to make me feel better. I'm trying to tell my son that this is what he needs to do even when the kids at school pick on him. It hurts me that I can't help him see this for himself especially when he came home yesterday and wanted to kill himself because of it.
Do you know what the world is telling our kids? That if you're not perfect in every way then you're not worth it. I makes me mad to see what the world thinks of others if their bodies aren't perfect, they don't look as beautiful as the models on books and in magazines, or their not "normal" like other people.
Sorry, I'll stop ranting now, but this is a big issue in my house at the moment.
I'm probably the only one to think this, but I have a lot of sympathy for these little starlets who have to starve themselves into oblivion. Yeah, sure, they're rich, they're cute (sometimes) and popular. But in the end, it's their emaciated butts up at 3 am drinking 2 liters of warm water so they can puke whatever managed to stick to their bones during the day.
Sad. But we all contribute to this circus.
It's always easier to believe in someone else then in yourself, but it's definitely something worth working on.
Like you, I'm lucky. My hubby is my best self-esteem buddy. *g*
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