Good morning Hussies! I'm so excited that I've been invited to guest blog today. This is a great group who write amazing books. Thanks so much for having me here today!
I'm Eva St. Croix and my first release from Ellora's Cave is Rory's Regret, a novella set at Halloween. This book was so much fun to write. I had a great time exploring the urgency of Rory and Dorian's situation while digging into the emotional impact that they had upon one another.
Here's the blurb for Rory's Regret: Halloween. A day for tricks or treats and hauntings. For Dorian and Rory, it is a day to experience love and enjoy the pleasures of the flesh. They long for each other, waiting for the one day of the year they can touch each other.There is only one way that they can be together forever. Until then, they must repeat the day they died until a mortal sees them and helps them to the other side.This Halloween a psychic reveals past horrors and Dorian is seen by a local girl. Rory, still unseen by a mortal, is filled with regret. Cruel events could cause her to be left behind while Dorian moves into the light. Is she destined to spend eternity alone?
And here's a quote from a recent review by Melinda at Night Owl Romance: 5 - Lifetime keeper! Wow this is the first I have read of this author and must say it won’t be the last. Eva St. Croix did a beautiful job of showing two people so in love that the man will do anything he can to make his woman happy. Dorian is a true gentleman who we don’t see often in this age and Rory is the perfect woman for him. Even though they can only be together one night of the year they make every time they have last forever. The love scenes between them are hot and must say this ghost was wow. Eva St. Croix brought the story to life where you can see Dorian in the beach naked and their love through out the book. Awesome job.
But that's enough about me! I want to talk about what you like. I considered a lot of topics that I wanted to discuss today and I decided to ask you, the fans of the Hussies, what do you like best in an erotic romance novel? Is it the relationship between the characters? The steaming hot sex scenes or do you like a little mystery or history in the erotic novels you read? I think for me the ideal erotic romance is one in which the characters are well developed, the relationship is on fire with chemistry and the plot is both appropriate for the length of book and keeps you wondering what will happen next. There are so many sub-genres within erotic romance that as a writer, you can explore each and every one. But, as a writer it always helps to know what fans like in their stories. If you were to describe the perfect erotic romance what elements would it include?
Thanks again for having me here today Hussies. I'm looking forward to all the answers. I'm working today but I'll check in as much as possible.
Eva St. Croix
Hot Wild & Wicked Erotic Romance
Rory's Regret Available Now
Eva, First off a huge CONGRATS! To you.
I can tell from that excerpt you will be one author I will be on the look out for.
For me in erotic romance it is the combination between the characters and the story in it self.
When you add hot steam sex scenes to that, it makes a completely combustible fantasy.
Congrats on Rory's Regret and the wonderful review!
For me, it's all about the relationship between the characters. It doesn't matter what the genre is as long as I feel a deep connection between the characters. :-)
Hey babe! Welcome!
And that cover is...*sigh*
If there's a pair of lovers who must fight their way through hordes of zombies, eeveel overlords and explosions on their way to a happy ending, then I'm happy. That's romance, baby!
Hi Eva! Thanks for blogging with us. AND thanks for Rory's Regret. WOW! I loved it!!
As a reader I want not only a lot of chemistry between the characters but some emotional depth as well. I don't care what genre it is, as long as the plot is well-developed. And if the book keeps me guessing then it gets a real big thumbs up.
Again, Eva, thanks :) You're a doll and a great writer and we're thrilled to have you with us today!
Hi everyone!
Thanks you so Deb, N.J., Nathalie, and Ciana. You guys make me feel right at home! I was thrilled with that review and I agree the cover is to die for! (Thanks to Syneca!)
Deb and NJ - I agree about the characters and relationships. When it all comes together just right then there is no better book regardless of the author.
Nathalie - that sounds like a book I'd like to read too!
Ciana - wow. Thank you so much for having me here and for your kind words. I'm so happy you loved Rory's Regret!
I'll check in a little later on - got to head back to the day job for a while!
Hugs Eva! I just love Rory's Regret, but you already know that! (vbg)
Eva is a best bud from way back when and I'm so excited she's here today and that she finally took the plunge into erotic romance writing. Hussy wave~~~~~~~~~~~~~.
Everyone be sure and pick up a copy of Rory's Regret, it's a fun, tear-jerking, sizzling read. Sigh.
Okay what do I want in my erotic romance fiction? I want emotion! I want it so deep and gritty, I'm a mess for several days after I read a book. I want relationship, sex, fun, adventure, and lots of plot mixed it. hmm... sounds like my life. I'm off to go live it. Have a super day! Hugs!
Hey Sally! Thanks so much! Yes, we go a long way back don't we? Hussy wave right back at cha!
Thanks for the kind words about Rory's Regret! And for letting me be the Hussies Guest Blogger today!
Oh yeah baby! Deep and gritty emotion is definately a plus in an erotic romance.
Hi Eva, congrats on the great reviews. You have covered it all. I want totally hot sexual chemistry, strong characters, a bit of humor, some adventure and of course, hot and steamy sex scenes!
Hi Cathy,
Thanks so much! Sounds like we like the same kind of books!
Congrats about your EC release. Sounds like a great read I'll have to check out.
To answer your question, the romance, the relationship is top dog with me. Two strangers can have hot sex but I might not be interested if there's no tension, no build up of a relationship.
Thanks for hanging out with us, Eva! Congrats on Rory's Regret!
I want to feel the emotions, tension, conflict and passion between the chracters. I want roadblocks they have to overcome, no matter what genre. And I want a HEA.
Hey Ashley and Nicole,
Thanks! I appreciate your input. You've both hit the mark with your comments. Without the build up of tension the book characterization could fall flat. And giving them obstacles to over come adds twists and turns to the book that keeps the reader reading.
Congratulations on the review and on Rory's Regret.
Thanks Georgie!
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