Hello Dolls and Gents!
The wonderful ladies have allowed me to post...boy are they trusting...I mean, how nice.
So...I am a fellow author and I adore historicals. Spicy, hot ones. I've been working in the historical garment field for two decades and I actully do own corsets and bustles. I make the things. Digging around in history books is a passion that keeps me searching for new 'used' book stores. Fabric shopping trips can take an entire weekend and yes I can spend hours looking for the period correct buttons.
"Hands off...those are for my husbands doublet!"
When I write historical love scenes for my Dawn Ryder books I often lace up into a corset, just to remind myself what my leading lady is dealing with. My writing station is in the sewing room, so there is alway fabric and half made doublets and slops in sight. That's what happens when you meet your husband at a ren faire...no kidding and we still work it along with our two sons. Keeping four people in noble clothing is no easy task. I write full time and sew on the side.
If you enjoy spicy historicals...check a few of mine...but be warned these are not your grand mothers historical romances! I love playing with the idea of...What if....
See ya all later and thanks so much...I've got a knight waiting for me and there is nothing like a corset to give a girl a little wicked intent!
Not to mention great looking hooters!
I'm a blogging 'wet behind the ears baby'...so I hope I didn't make anyone's eye's smart!
Dawn Ryder
Mary Wine
I was so excited to find out Dawn Ryder and Mary Wine are one is the same. Woot! Especially since I unsuspectingly devoured every single Dawn Ryder title enver knowing that Jupiter's mom was the creator. And let me tell you, hussies, her historicals are hot enough to melt your computer! Oh my! The Improper series...whew! *fanning myself*
I can't pick a favorite from either pseudonym's booklist. They are all fabulous! Well, I do have a bit of a soft spot for Tortoise Tango though. :D
WHAT???? TWO of my favorite writers are actually one? Well, my hat's off to you Mary/Dawn. I've been a fan since the day I discovered EC. Honey, your historicals gave me a whole new perspective on the genre!
And oh I do hope you bring one of those corsets to RT to dress up in. Give us a visual glimpse of the woman behind the heat.
Thanks for blogging with us. You are fabulous!!!!
big hussy hugs :)
Thanks Ladies! Tortoise Tango was fun to write, one of those books that just came out of my head...my editor laughed! Right now, I'm working on more Dawn Ryder stuff...follow ups to Outside Protocol.
Color me stupid...I had no idea that Dawn Ryder and Mary Wine were one and the same. Two great authors rolled into one package!
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