Hello! First of all, I want to thank The Hussies for allowing me the chance to guest blog at their wonderful site today. What a great bunch of authors these Hussies are!
I pondered what the heck I could blog about. Sometimes I just feel so...you know...boring. The characters I create get all the excitement, not me. But then I received an email from an old friend, and her message completely inspired me.
She wrote to tell me that she loved my books cos they helped her. Little ol' me and my little ol' books have improved her sex life with her husband! I thought that rocked. When I started writing, I never thought my naughty stories would actually help anyone. To hear that, well, it made me happy.
It also reminded me of when I was in my late teens and my boyfriend and I discovered Nancy Friday's My Secret Garden. We were already horny teenagers (or maybe we were twenty? I can't remember) but after reading that we couldn't get enough of each other! Nancy Friday improved my sex life for an entire summer, lemme tell you. I wonder whatever happened to my copy of that book. I lost it...or maybe he took it with him. Hee hee...
So authors, have you ever been told your work helped improve someone's sex life? And readers, have you ever read a book that got you so worked up you had to attack your husband/boyfriend/bed buddy/any random person on the street? I'd love to hear any tales or recommendations. I'm sure my husband would appreciate the recommendations, too!
On a last note, I hope you get a chance to check out my new book with Ellora's Cave, Virgin Jewels. You can also visit my website for more information.
Hannah doesn't understand why the newest acquisition at her family's jewelry store makes her ache so deliciously. When Colin visits the shop and tells the necklace's erotic tale, Hannah's further enflamed — for the necklace and the man.
Borrowing the necklace, she has mind-blowing sex with Colin, the power of the stones overwhelming. But for normally shy Hannah, the experience is bittersweet. Her alluring aggressiveness isn't real — it's the Virgin's Blood Jewels. She can't keep the necklace, and fears she'll lose Colin without it. But Colin knows more about the jewels than he's telling.
Thanks so much for blogging with us, Karen. And congratulations on the new book! Woo hooo!
Hey, now you have an advertising hook for your books: "Has your sex life lost its Kapow? Then pick up a copy of Karen Erickson's latest book ...."
I love it when a book provides a key for me - something that helps me improve some aspect of myself or my life.
I'd say the email from your friend was about the best compliment a writr could get!
Again, thanks for being here with us. I wish you tremendous success with all your books!!
Thank you Ciana! And yes you've given me a new branding idea! Karen the Sexual Healer...
That email you got from your friend was a hoot to read about.
Great post. : )
Karen, Hello and congrats on your new release!
Loved the email, what a boost.
Welcome, Karen! We are thrilled to have you with us today!
Congrats on such a wonderful email from your friend. It just shows we never really know how our lives touch each other.
Wishing you much success with your books and many more to help improve other people's sex lives!
Thanks everyone! And thanks to the Hussies again for having me. It's been fun today. :)
Hey, Karen! Woot! Congrats on Virgin Jewels. I have it on my ebook reader, now I just have to find reading time.
That's a great email. I've had similar comments from a few readers. :D
Congrats on the new book and best of luck with it! Loved the email story! I once had a friend tell me that she loved my book, but had never been able to get through it. I was afraid she'd lost interest, but no, she had thought it would be a good idea to read it to her husband...and they kept getting "sidetracked" as they read. :)
Hi Karen!
Yes, I've received fan mail saying my work had improved sex lives. My fav was "My husband says thank you!" LOL.
I heard someone complain that getting this kind of comment was cheesy. What the...? How ungrateful! I think it's the most wonderful compliment there is!
I don't know about everyone else, but I believe sex and love are extremely spiritual and that by writing and reading our books, we put more love and harmony into the world.
I even write mine with comedy in order to put more laughter and love into the world.
Keep on doing what you're doing, sweetheart!
Awesome post Karen!!!
Virgin Jewels is on my computer waiting to be read once I finish my current WIP! I can't wait to read it!
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