It finally worked.
YAY! One of the reasons (hey, I didn't say
the reason, just one) Ci has been putting me in front of the camera with all the models is to help me with a character I want to write. The heroine is basically
Syneca Featherstone, goddess of all things visual. I needed to get into the model head space so I could figure out how the heroine gets her new male model to give her what she needs for the pictures.
Yeah, so here I am, the morning of the
looongest day here, wide awake at 3-damn-thirty in the
morning because the muse woke up and said, "Ah! I've got it now. Here's what we do." I want to smack her (gasp) but never would. When the muse is ready to write, we write. Yup. Its going to be one heck of a long day!
You see the sacrifices we writer types make so y'all have those fabulous stories to read. Yes? (putting on
pouty face)
Damn, it's not working, is it? (heavy sigh) I'm not going to get any sympathy from this crowd. Nope!
Hmm...I wonder who I can get to commiserate with the poor inspired and sleepless author.
Since I'm awake now (grumble, groan) I decided to give y'all a live report on RT.
First and foremost, this trip has been worth every moment of planning and each dollar parted with because The Hussies together online is great, but The Hussies together in person...indescribable. We are praying that next year all five of us can be at RT because we definitely feel that empty spot where Sally should be there next to us. Its just not
complete without all of us together. Next year is not looking great for Nat though, darn it.
I have to say that I have never met a more wonderful and giving group of people. We all get each other, which in itself is a miracle because we're all kinda left of center, if you know what I mean.

Nat's energy fuels all of us. While we stood in line yesterday waiting to go in to the awards luncheon she literally vibrated with pent up energy, which we gave back as the anticipation of her going on stage built. And it wasn't only The Hussies with our sidekick
hussyman (we still have to come up with the right title for Scott) screaming for Nat. The room exploded when she proceeded to blow everyone away with her infectious personality. No boring acceptance speeches from the lethal hussy. Uh-uh. She's got that boom-baby going on. We are all so proud of Nat and happy her work is getting the recognition it deserves.
Sahara has such depth to her that only comes across in person. At times she appears to be the very proper British dame, but underneath the surface lurks a sharp, always on intellect and
wit. She's one of those people who can word things in such a way that you walk away from her replaying what she's said through your mind and all of a sudden a light goes on. You have one of those moments where you go
hey, wait a minute. Proper my ass! LOL!
There is a wicked woman in there! It's just subtle and not everyone
sees her. I'm on to you though, Sahara. (g)
Ciana... How to describe our sly little goddess. First off all, redneck my ass! She may have the accent and laid back attitude, but there is not a darn thing slow about her.
Ciana's amazing mind is always working, along with precious, her camera. (shudders) I got to hold precious... Um, but that's another story and I've gotten distracted. Ci sees things nobody else does. She can look at something and her sharp mind is immediately working on
it, planning what she can do with
it, and how best to bring
it out for everyone else to see. To watch it happen in person has me in complete awe.

Last but definitely not least, Scott. Our
hussyman. Our dude! The only thing I can think of that's anywhere near accurate is to say, he's the shit!
LOL! Sahara may joke that he gets distracted and wanders aimlessly, but its because he's found someone who needs something and has taken on the job of being the white knight to the rescue once again. I've never met anyone with such a big, generous heart. He makes sure everyone around him is doing good and has whatever they could possibly need. You immediately fall under his protection when within a 100 feet of him. How he keeps us with all four of us wild hussies is beyond me, but he does. We considered cloning him but it just wouldn't work. No duplication could come close to the original man we know and love.
RT itself is manic. Yesterday the frantic pace was starting to show and people were getting... well, tired and bitchy.
LOL! Being smart Hussies, we decided to hide out instead of charge headfirst into the madness.
Today is a big day. We have
soooo much going on. Come Sunday we will all crash and burn. I know personally, I'm going to need at least a week to recover and get back to anything resembling my norm. No, I didn't say normal. The naughty hussy is not normal. What I am is a giver. There's not one selfish motivation behind my taking a hit for the team, modeling with all those hunky, hard-bodied guys to represent The Hussies. Nope, not at all.
Hey, I'm not bad, I'm just titled that way. And I don't love the fact that
Ci's camera draws the models like metal filing to a magnet. It's so annoying how they see precious and get that sultry, smoky look in their eyes. Now if they would just turn that look on us instead of that
wondrous piece of mechanical goodness...
Umm...yeah r
ight!Okay, I'm done. The brain is fried. Gonna try to go back to sleep since I don't have to be awake for another two hours. Y'all stay tuned because after we get home and Ci has a chance to sort through all those pictures we are going to have some incredible visual goodness for you, our devoted Hussies readers. Until then have fun and be good. And even if you're being bad, be good at it, Hussy. (wink)
So naughty it's scandalous!