Fresh in from the RT frontlines, Nicole Austin reports that fun is being had by all, especially The Hussies. Rumor has it that Ciana was seen passing out tequila shots to everyone. Go Ci! Nic on the other hand had a real Kodak moment with a hunk. Recognize that sexy couple? Hint - JOHN FISH - EC's contestant for MR. ROMANCE 2008. I think he's already won this competition. What about you?
And then Ci was rounded up by some of the hunks and Nic grabbed the shot. I also understand from a reliable source that the Virgin ‘coming out’ party was turned upside down when The Hussies accompanied by Scott Carpenter crashed the bash. I’m still waiting on pictures of that scene.
And afterward, they all retired to the bar where Ci was seen braiding Joy’s hair (Joyfully Reviewed, Joy). That Ci is a Hussy of many talents.
Awesome, just awesome. You Hussy's sure know how to turn up the heat. Can not wait for more details.
Hey Deb! I just posted some more. There will another batch coming in later this afternoon.
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