What fits all three of those words? Why men, of course. They thrill and enchant us, as well as frustrate and infuriate us at times. But a world without men would be dull indeed. So today I'm saluting men...men I find charming, charistmatic, intriguing, sexy and delightful.

This man has been the cause of more female drool than can be gathered in a tanker. Fabio. I had a chance to meet him at RT and what a lovely man. Seriously. Charming, still sexy as sin and the man KNOWS how to melt a camera lens.

Now here's a guy who makes every women feel feminine when she stands next to him, and who has a smile that can light up and room, and a body that makes hearts beat faster. John Fish. Not only does John define the phrase sin in jeans, he's a genuinely nice guy, devoted to his family and always with a smile on his face and a friendly word for fans.

Next on my list is a man who should have his photo in the dictionary beside the words gentleman, friendly, witty, and fun. S.L. Carpenter, "The Dude". Multi-talented, Scott is the kind of man we all want in our lives, caring, polite, with a wicked sense of humor and the ability to talk about virtually any topic. And not just talk. This is a man who listens. Teamed up with our our Sahara Kelly in The Partners in Passion series, Scott is the man the Hussies want for their own. (Yes, we're about to arm wrestle Sahara for him!)
There are a lot more fellows I could add to the list, but I think I'd rather hear from you on the men that inspire and delight, or make you gnash your teeth. So give us your thoughts.
And come visit with us on our site in May when we unveil some excitement that has the Hussies grinning like mad and doing the happy dance!
Happy Wednesday :)
DA DUDE, Scott!!!
And Fabio, as much as people like to pick on him, I thought he was a gracious, patient and extremely handsome man. Dude, the look on that photo! Mwawr!
And John...I have to admit he scares me. He's just so...*big*!
Great pics and selections, Ci. Those are all the qualities that make up HEROES!
No, not Da Dude, The Hussies Dude. *g* Sahara is just going to have to learn how to share. Its been a long time since I met a man like Scott. He's so genuinely caring, witty, and a true gentleman.
Fabio still has it!And big John...*sigh* At 5'10" not many men make me feel petite and feminine but he sure does! Wowza!
I met Scott and John. Wow - Both were so nice.
Andrew and I voted for John!
Now he was a "Man"!
See you all next year!
What can I say about John but WOW!!! He was sexy as all get out, but also carried it off well. Oh and very friendly. More than once during RT, he walked up to me and gave me that smile that melts your heart and said Hi! Be still my heart. (panting here) I voted for John. I did attend the cover model dinner, but didn't get to actually meet Fabio.
I met Scott for the first time at RT and he is such a charmer and a gentleman. He made me feel special and those hugs are to die for. Scott is also very personable,
I also get the feeling he would do anything to help. I miss Scott.
CJ Hollenbach is another who is great beyond belief. I've been talking to CJ through email for almost a year and it was just the ultimate to finally meet him in person. He was nice to talk with and very friendly. Oh did I forget to mention sexy!!
Andrei Claude is another favorite cover model. Sometimes one just never knows what to expect from these guys, but Andrei was soooooo
great and willing to take time to talk and pose for pictures. He was also very charming and friendly.
(my heart is still going pitter pat, pitter pat. Maybe thats why my blood pressure is still up :) )
I am so looking forward to talking with these great men in Orlando!!!
And the hussies too of course.
Love the hussies!!!!!!
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