My suitcases are unpacked, all the laundry has been done and I've reorganized the leftover promo stuff. I may be home, but my spirit is still in Pittsburgh. I miss seeing everyone in their fabulous outfits at the parties and hanging out in the bar, talking and laughing until they finally kicked us out. I met so many wonderful readers and authors, blushed while posing for hundreds of pictures, and had the time of my life!
The only thing left to do is get back into the swing of real life. I'm sorry but reality sucks! I'm feeling very lazy and have not managed to reestablish my regular routine. That sudden crash in adrenaline and excitement has left me rather uninspired.
I miss hanging with my Hussy sistas, whether it be while glamming it up at one of the parties or hanging out in one of our rooms and sharing a pizza. Nat and her infectious energy. Ci, our one woman party. Sahara the sultry and divine goddess. Our gypsy, Sally, who was with us in spirit. And The Dude--adorable, sweet and funny Scott Carpenter. Being together in person has me thanking my lucky stars for the day I was invited to join forces with this amazing group! As Nat would say, I love you all...but not in that way. *sniff*
Our readers are some of the nicest people I've ever had the pleasure to meet. My heartfelt thanks to all those who stopped by to say hello and offered both hugs and friendship. Especially at the book signing when my shy nature kicked in full force leaving me a frazzled mess! For those of you who were unable to attend, I hope to see you 362 days from now in Orlando. Dang, that sounds like such a long time away. *pouty face*
Here are a few more pictures Susan shared with me, including this great photo of Susan and Nat.

Research is so much fun. I just might have to drag out this whole process of writing my photographer heroine so Ci will keep arranging impromptu photo shoots for me with hunks like Christian. Rawr! Is it hot in here or what?
Taking butt shots, Susan? And they call me the naughty hussy. Nice work! You go, girl!
In my next life, I wanna be Ci! Or at least her assistant. What a fun job that would be!
I was there in spirit for sure and can't wait until 2009 when I'll be there in the physical.
GREAT PICS! SUSAN you so rock, girlie!
I still have PRTSD (post RT stress disorder). Real life sucks! I wanna go back and party with The Hussies and The Dude every night!
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